Russell Landon CRTP



For All Entities Requesting an Efile Extension A non-refundable  Fee of $93 is needed in order for us to submit an extension to the government on your behalf. Unlike the individual extension, this is NOT a deposit. For all personal individual  Efile Extensions, a non-refundable deposit of $50 is needed to submit the extension. The $50 deposit is credited to your invoice upon completion of your taxes.

Corp/LLC  Extension Form Due March 15th

Quick Extension Request (Current Clients)

Quick Extension Request (Current Clients Only)

Choose Which Type Of Ext(s) You Want Us To File
Use the name off of your recent tax return or IRS/State document
If you are unsure if you have paid your 2022 minimum franchise tax payment please email your tax preparer.
(Corp/LLC/Partnership/Trust) If You Have Not Paid Your 2024 CA Corp/LLC Tax
If you are requesting Wagner Tax To Make The Payment For You To Avoid Late fees you must submit this to us no later than March 15th BEFORE 5 pm. Wagner Tax cannot be held responsible if the payment fails or a technical issue arises at the time of setting up the payment.
Fees & Deposits For Efile Service
Choose Your Payment Method For All Services Requested Above. (Credit Card Processing Fees Apply ACH Debit Free) *

Bank Account Or Card Info For Payment(s)

Please note that this info will be used to pay any tax you are requesting to be paid and the described fees for Wagner Tax & Accounting Service. IRS/State Fees apply for credit card or ACH payments. Payments are made separately for each request (i.e. State, Federal, or Wagner Tax Service fees)
Type Of Bank Account (If Using Ach Bank) *
Make sure to use the correct bank routing number for payments.
3 or 4 digit code on back of card
Please Type Your Your Signature — An"electronic signature" is a method of signing an electronic form that— (A) identifies and authenticates a particular person as the source of the electronic signature; and (B) indicates such person's authorization and approval.
By submitting this form you are requesting us to file an "electronic extension of time to file". An extension doesn’t avoid interest & fees on the amount you might end up owing. The Extension will keep you from receiving a failure to file on time penalty and complies with the government's procedure for requesting more time. Fees Associated with FTB or IRS for making an electronic payment are not the responsibility of Wagner Tax and by this authorization, you approve and agree to pay any and all governmental fees required to file and Pay online.
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