Payroll Setup Info (Owners/Officers)

Payroll Setup Information (Officers/Directors/Owners)
Please use your legal business name if already established (Must match State or Federal Records.) If A Sole Prop or Business is under your name use that.
Business Mailing Address (official mail will be sent here)
Business Mailing Address (official mail will be sent here)
Street Address
Apartment/Building/Suite #
Business Physical Address (if different from mailing address)
Business Physical Address (if different from mailing address)

Tax ID Numbers

If this business has never done Payroll before Please Type "Need Us To Apply For EIN"
If this is a new business or your have never done Payroll before Please Type"Never Applied For"
If you are a Sole Proprietor or a General Partnership and you have not been incorporated or setup as an LLC/LLP Please Type "N/A"
First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name
Owner/Director Address (Required By Most States)
Owner/Director Address (Required By Most States)
EDD is the California Payroll Tax Department and they require the personal address of the main Owner/Director
Date of birth Information is used by most States to verify Owner/Directors.
In most states a Drivers Lisc. is used as an extra verification method for the owner/director of the business.
Claiming "ZERO" always takes out the maximum taxes from your check. This makes your paycheck smaller but insures you wont owe based on this w2. The more dependents you claim the less taxes they will take out of your check.

Business Info

Please select the type of payroll need you will have as a company. I.e. management only payroll, or multiple employees or both.
Primary Email
Since your newly formed company will be part of the public record, providing your business purpose allows the state, the public, and other businesses to understand what kind of work product your organization provides.

Payroll Information

Select All That May Apply
Select All That May Apply only if your company will offer any of these benefits.
Wagner Tax Payroll Service Fee(s)
If you are unsure about your service fees or have questions please speak to your account representative before completing this form.

Banking Info For Electronic Payroll Tax Payments & Our Service Fees

Our service fee(s) are automatically drawn by recurring debit from your bank account in accordance with your payroll plan (Monthly or Annually). Payroll Taxes are also drawn from the same business account when they are due.
Address On Check

Maximum file size: 516MB

Please add any Notes or Questions you may have.
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