This Form Is Used As A Pre-Formation Worksheet For Those Opening A New LLC Or Moving From A Sole Proprietorship Into An LLC.  You Should Have Already Consulted Our Business Entity Specialist. If Not Please Email Russell at [email protected]

LLC Entity Formation Worksheet

Entity Formation Worksheet LLC

LLC's With Only One Partner (SINGLE MEMBER LLC) Carries A Higher Audit Risk. S-Corporation May Be A Better Option.

First Choice
In CA the desired LLC name is not always available. Even If there is no current company showing with that name States sometimes block the name. This does not mean you cannot DBA or FBN your desired name in your county. (Slightly Different Is Ok)
Principal Office Street Address (No P.O. Boxes Allowed. Virtual Office Address OK.)
Principal Office Street Address (No P.O. Boxes Allowed. Virtual Office Address OK.)

Company Managment

LLCs have Members, Managers, Or Partners for its ownership. This is similar to titles such as Partner or Owner.
Partner #1 Address
Partner #1 Address
Street Address
Apartment/Building/Suite #
If there will be only one shareholder please type 100%.
An LLC is considered a Partnership (having two or more Partners). If you are forming an LLC with only one Partner you will be considered a Single Member LLC which has a higher Audit Risk. S-corporation may be a better option.
Partner #2 Address
Partner #2 Address
If more than one shareholder put the percentage that this shareholder will have.
An LLC is considered a Partnership (having two or more Partners). If you are forming an LLC with only one Partner you will be considered a Single Member LLC which has a higher Audit Risk. S-corporation may be a better option.
Partner #3 Address
Partner #3 Address
If more than one Partner put the percentage that this Partner will have.
An LLC is considered a Partnership (having two or more Partners). If you are forming an LLC with only one Partner you will be considered a Single Member LLC which has a higher Audit Risk. S-corporation may be a better option.

Business Info

Since your newly formed company will be part of the public record, providing your business purpose allows the state, the public, and other businesses to understand what kind of work product your organization provides.
Primary Email
Primary contact number
Business Mailing Address PO. Box OK (Only if Different From Principal Office Address)
Business Mailing Address PO. Box OK (Only if Different From Principal Office Address)
California Physical Business Address (Only If Different from Principal Office))
California Physical Business Address (Only If Different from Principal Office))

Payment Method & Authorization (For Our Fees)

Please authorize & choose your method of payment for our services. This ONLY Authorizes us to process the fee that your Representative gave you during your consult.
Please Select One
Which Payment Method Is Preferred?
If you were not provided a quote or do not remember and want to confirm with associate, Please fill out the payment section anyway we will not process any payment until you confirm with associate.

IMPORTANT: If payment Information is not Submitted your FORMATION will Not Me Processed.

Please Choose One
Please Type Your Your Signature — An"electronic signature" is a method of signing an electronic form that— (A) identifies and authenticates a particular person as the source of the electronic signature; and (B) indicates such person's authorization and approval.

Card Information

This Secure Form Is Used To Provide Us With Your Prefered Payment Method For Services From Our Firm. We Will Not Process Any Payment Using This Criteria Unless & Until You Have Communicated & Agreed Upon Terms & Amounts.
Person/Dept Of Contact
Please choose the person or department in our firm you are submitting this secure form to.
Please Choose One
3 or 4 digit code on back of card.
share any questions or concerns


Corporate Formations in California take 30-90 Days. If you are interested in speeding up the process there is a rush courier service avail at a cost of $360. If you want this service please let us know by email ASAP!

© Wagner Tax & Accounting.

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