Corporate & LLC Statement Of Information Service
Annual Statement Of Information Filing
Wagner Tax & Accounting is proud to announce our NEW service Starting January 1st, 2023 for our business clients only! Automatic Notification & Filing of your Corporate or LLC CA Statement Of Information Forms. No More Wondering or Late Fees!

How Does The Service Work?
A Wagner Tax Representative emails or texts you once your company's "Statement of Information" Filing is being filed. We file the form for you electronically as well as set up the electronic payment for the State fee (usually $25). This helps avoid the $250 late fee SOS likes to charge for late filings.
How Does This Service Benefit Me?
CA is notorious for not sending reminders that the Statement Of Information Filing Is due but they are great at sending late fee of $250 if it got missed.
Because California sends small post card in the mail it usually gets missed with junk mail. They also do not send reminders. With this service we keep track of the due dates so you don't have to.
The payment is set up for you automatically by Wagner Tax so you do not have to navigate the online Payment System. You get a notification from us and we then make the payment on time.
Once we file and make your payment we get an electronic confirmation that it has been filed so no more sending in checks waiting to see when it gets cashed.
Most of the time it is unknown that the mandatory Statement Of Information filing was missed sometimes several months or even a year later. When this happens your Corporation or LLC Partnership is put in Suspended Status by CA without your knowledge. This can look negative on your business.
When the status of your Company is suspended by CA Loans and other banking needs can be held up until it is cleared. This automatic service keeps that from happening.
What people say about it
I have been so frustrated with the State and how hard it is to clear up this simple filing and seem to always forget about until I see a late fee notice. So glad I do not have to worry about it anymore.

JP Trucking Inc
As a Real-estate Agent this late filing has impeded my purchases more than once because unless my Company is in Good Standing I cannot purchase property until its cleared up. So thankful for Wagner's Service!

ROS Prop Investments LLC