Entity Formation Worksheet

LLC/Corporation Update To Partner/Members
This must match the name exactly as it appears on your Articles of Incorporation / Organization
This is the Federal ID Number that you should have applied for upon formation of your Corp/LLC
This is found on your Official State Articles Of Organization/Corporation. If you cannot find this number just type "not sure"
this is usually listed on your federal tax return if you are not sure type "not sure"

Company Managment

Corporations have shareholders for its ownership. LLC's Have Members or Managers.
Shareholder/Partner/Mmbr #1 Address
Shareholder/Partner/Mmbr #1 Address
Street Address
Apartment/Building/Suite #
If there will be only one shareholder please type 100%.
California requires that all three officer positions be Filled. A single shareholder can fill all or multiple officer titles.
Shareholder/Partner/Member #2 Address
Shareholder/Partner/Member #2 Address
If more than one shareholder put the percentage that this shareholder will have.
If this person will not hold an office leave blank.
Shareholder/Partner/Member #3 Address
Shareholder/Partner/Member #3 Address
If more than one shareholder put the percentage that this shareholder will have.
If this person will not hold an office leave blank.

Business Info

Your business purpose is the reason you have formed your company boiled down to a single sentence (or two).
Please provide a primary email address for contact.
Please list a primary phone number for contact.
Business Mailing Address (P O Box Ok)
Business Mailing Address (P O Box Ok)
Principal Office Street Address (No P.O Boxes or Virtual Addresses))
Principal Office Street Address (No P.O Boxes or Virtual Addresses))
share any questions or concerns

Corporations & LLC's are similar Entities but different business structures. If you have any questions about the differences please consult one of our Business Specialists To make sure you understand the different requirements.

© Wagner Tax & Accounting.

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