This service combines two important tasks and operates both as a notifier service to alert you that your SOI has been filed & it also authorizes us to electronically file the SOI on your behalf with the State. By Signing up for this service we automatically notify you by email or text each year when your Statement Of Information filing has been efiled and we also set up the Electronic Payment (usually $25) to the State for their fee. Our Fee For This Corporate/LLC Compliance Reminder & Payment Service Is $150 at the time of filing.

Statement Of Information Filing Service

Statement Of Information Service

CA Statement Of Information Filing Entity Information

Use the name off of your recent tax return or IRS/State document. Please do NOT list your Doing Business As Name (DBA) Or Ficticious Business Name (FBN)
Did You Have Any Addresses Changes For Your Company Or Any Of Its Officers, Directors or Partners?
If you marked Yes a representative will be in contact shortly.
If Yes Select All That Apply
Did You Add Or Remove Any Officers, Directors, Or Partners?
If you marked Yes a representative will be in contact shortly.
Do You Have Notices Of Late Fees or Penalties that you need our help with?
For suspension status depending on the reason the process to get back into compliance may incude a revivor applicaiton filing and other filings--we can qucikly get that removed.
I Request & Authorize Wagner Tax & Accounting (choose all that apply)
Name Of Representative Submitting This Form
Name Of Representative Submitting This Form
How Would You Like To Be Notified?

This State Filing Fee Is Separate From Our Fee & MUST Be Paid By Card

Type Of Card
3 or 4 digit code on back of card

Wagner Tax Service Fee ($150)

Wagner Tax & Accounting uses the E-check ACH Method For Our Ongoing Service Fees. Please use this section to provide SECURE payment information for our fee. The service fee is $150 to sign up for our Statement Of Information Filing Service which notifies you when your CA SOI becomes due each year* and also to have us electronically file the forms as well as initiate payment of the State Fee on your behalf. This service fee is an ongoing recurring fee and is only charged each time the service is invoked which most commonly is once a year.
Type Of Bank Account *
Make sure to use the correct bank routing number for payments.
Please Type Your Your Signature — An"electronic signature" is a method of signing an electronic form that— (A) identifies and authenticates a particular person as the source of the electronic signature; and (B) indicates such person's authorization and approval.
* Corporations Once A Year LLC's Once every two years.

Maximum file size: 104.86MB

If you have multiple files to upload Please make sure that you pay attention to the Maximum Upload size of 67 MB

* Our Fee Is Not A Recurring Charge. It Is Not Renewed Automatically. Response To Email Or Text Required

© Wagner Tax & Accounting.

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